It's important you know what your obligations are when it comes to protecting Australia's underground networks.

The following 'good practice' guidelines should be complied with when undertaking any form of excavation:

  • all constructors have a Duty of Care to observe with regard to underground networks when digging or excavating.
  • underground network information should be sought well in advance to construction activities. These are available from asset owners through the national Dial Before You Dig service and depending on the method, will take 2 working days to be sent to you.
  • should the scope of works change, or plan validity dates expire, you must submit a new Dial Before You Dig enquiry.
  • always perform an onsite inspection for the presence of assets. Should you require an onsite location, contact the asset owners directly.
  • constructors must dig by hand (pot-holing) when excavating or working close to underground networks.
  • Fibre optics must be located and confirmed by the assets owner
  • if you damage an underground asset you must advise the asset owner immediately

Note: Each asset owner will provide specifications on the safe distances for excavating when in the vicinity of their networks.

The information provided on this site, including without limitation any statutes or regulations, or any forms, letters or the like, is provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the accuracy, completeness or quality of such information and any use made of it is assumed by the user.

Neither Lost Pipe nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of the information on this site shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including property damage, damages or loss of business profits, business interruption, and the like) arising out of the use of the information on this site, or any omission in or inaccuracy of any information even if Lost Pipe has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

It must be clearly understood that due to limitations of the instruments used, they will on occasion give no indication of the presence of concealed services, including cables or pipes. Earthenware/Clay/China and PVC or asbestos pipes can only be located via a trace cable (inserted or attached) or cable with a sonde attached. Our trained certified staff will determine the location and position of concealed services and or water leakage when requested, to the best of their capability with the latest equipment, all results relayed to the client being the most accurate information for the client to then use at their discretion. Confirm position by pot-holing is advised.

Use of any information from this site constitutes your acceptance of the above disclaimer. If you are unwilling to agree to the above disclaimer, you may not use the information contained on this site.